A wine bottle opener is a tool that was designed with one purpose in mind, but it can be used for many other purposes. With a little creativity, you can turn your makeshift instrument into something that is not only useful in unblocking corks, but also for clogged pipes, WCs, sinks, bathtubs, showers and sewers. This way, you can get rid of a pesky blockage without paying a plumber or buying costly equipment.
The first step in using your Debouchage liege corkscrew to unblock a pipe is to find out where the blockage is located. If the clog is near the surface, it should be easy to identify. If you can’t see the clog, it may be deeper inside the pipe or buried under a layer of debris.
You can use a length of wire to reach the clog by wrapping it around the screw end and pulling on it. This method works best for smaller pipes and should not damage the threading of the pipe.
If you are having trouble getting the screw to grab a grip on the cork, try using a pair of pliers for more leverage and strength. This will also ensure that the screw isn’t pulled out too far, which can cause the cork to crack or break. If you don’t have a pair of pliers, you can wrap the screw end in a wire coat hanger for a little extra leverage.
When you are finished with your wine, pour the remaining contents into a container that has a lid to keep it fresh. You can store it in the refrigerator or at room temperature for up to a week. You can even freeze it if you want to keep it for longer.
The simplest way to clear a Coravin needle of wine particles is to use the Needle Clearing Tool that comes with every system. To use the tool, hold the needle grip and gently poke it through the eye of the needle to clear any residue. If you have to use the needle more than once, be sure to use it after each trigger press to prevent clogging.
Cork flooring can be scuffed and stained by abrasive elements that are tracked into the house on people’s shoes. If you have cork floors, ask family members and houseguests to take off their shoes when they enter your home. You can also place breathable mats at the door to trap dirt and moisture before it can reach your floor.
After a massive blockage in one of the city’s drainpipes, Cork council crews were forced to spend 8 hours trying to clear it. Now city engineer Simon Lyons has warned that so-called ‘flushable’ wet wipes are a big issue for the sewage system and more needs to be done to encourage people to think before they flush. To avoid the problem, Lyons recommends that you only wash down your toilet with water that has been boiled, as this will not leave any grit in the pipes.