Batman138 Batgirl, Robin, and the masked detective Kadar go undercover to capture the "Sea Beast," an underwater sea-monster tha...

Batman138 Review



Batgirl, Robin, and the masked detective Kadar go undercover to capture the "Sea Beast," an underwater sea-monster that attacks the yacht of stockbroker Hal Torson and the launch of Lester Guinn. The criminal crew of the sea monster are easily subdued by Batman and Robin, but Kadar has other plans. He uses his telepathy to anticipate the Tiger Gang's next job, which involves stealing a projector from the Gotham Planetarium. He foils the plan by jumping into an oil tank below the building with Robin, proving his ability to anticipate Batman's actions.

Later, the criminals escape, but Kadar shows up to rescue them from the underwater monster. After Kadar unmasks himself, he tells Batman that the robot had been changed by a rocket-ram weapon that Dorian had thrown on it. It had honed its instincts to respond to brain waves and had become attuned to Batman, turning it against him, but he could still be used against the gang.

The Bat is tasked with catching a trio Batman138 of crooks on the lam. The most memorable of the three is the simple Simon, a ditzy doppelganger who manages to steal an expensive planetarium projector and hold it up for ransom. The ne plus ultra of the thugs is their leader, a naughty little scamp who likes to tease and intimidate the hero.

Luckily for the dark knight and his partner in crime the likes of them are few and far between, the bad guys are relegated to the shadowy recesses of Gotham City. Keeping the gang on the run requires a bit of luck and some serious ol' fashioned sleuthing.